Compulsive Masturbating Disorder: Signs and 6 Ways to Help

Compulsive masturbation disorder refers to the condition in which you will have an urge to masturbate continuously, with or without using pornography. In some serious cases, you will need to seek professional medical help to treat other associated symptoms such as depression, anxiety, obsessive behavior, and the incapability to keep a healthy relationship.

The fact may make you feel a bit relaxed saying that about 2-6% of people have to deal with impulsive-compulsive sexual behavior;1 in 100 men masturbate more than once daily.If you're suffering from this disorder, you may have already looked into several resources to find a way to manage your condition better. Here you come to the perfect right place!

Do I Have Compulsive Masturbating Disorder?

Frequent masturbation can affect the quality of your life. Psychiatrists may diagnose you with a Sexual Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (Sexual Disorder NOS) if you masturbate excessively. There are some other signs you can observe to see if you are suffering from the disorder:

  • You masturbate so often that it affects your social, intimate, interpersonal, and work relationships.
  • You masturbate so excessively that you feel lonely after an orgasm.
  • You don't feel sexual satisfaction after masturbation.
  • You masturbate 5-15 times a day.
  • You cannot resist the temptation of stimulating your genitalia.
  • You stop masturbation only after injury, exhaustion, or extreme social pressure.

Also bear in mind that sexual addition usually accompany with a fear of getting intimate with someone; if that's not the case, you should not call it sexual addiction. The good thing is that even if you're dealing with any of the above signs and symptoms, you can find enough help to bring your life back on track.

What Causes Compulsive Masturbating Disorder?

You may not know this but excessive masturbation can be the outcome of an underlying medical condition. A number of mental and physical disorders may have excessive masturbation as a symptom. You may get into a state of hyper-sexuality because of bipolar disorder, Alzheimer's disease, impulse control disorder, brain injury, medication side effects, and use of methamphetamine.

How to Deal With Compulsive Masturbating Disorder

There is no evidence of any scientific connection between compulsive sexual acts and obsessive compulsive disorder. It is also true that compulsive masturbation may indicate a mental problem. It is therefore important to diagnose and treat the underlying compulsive health disorder rather than just helping patient to stop masturbating. Here are a few ways for you to deal with this disorder:

1. Understand You Have a Problem

You may be masturbating excessively just because you don't have any affection or physical intimacy in your life. It means you can resolve the issue by addressing the underlying cause of continuing with such behavior. Helping a patient meet certain needssuch as safety and security in life, developing a sense of achievement, feeling challenged in life, and having purpose and goals in life may help to treat the compulsive masturbating disorder. You need to know if masturbation is your way of escaping from reality or finding a quick fix to some other problems in your life.

Also, be more sensible about your habit. You need to think about the issue and know something about the "danger times" when you are more likely to masturbate. Now, imagine yourself in the same situation and do something else instead of masturbating.

2. Take Initiatives to Break the Habit

Along with trying to find an underlying cause to your behavior, it is also a good idea to push yourself to stop masturbating for a while and see how it gives you more time to devote to other things like your social life, and feel better about yourself in general. In other words, you are more likely to get better results if you give yourself a two-pronged approach.

3. Learn to Set Limits

You don't always need to leave it altogether because masturbating within limits is actually beneficial for your mental and physical health. If you masturbate daily, you should start cutting down by not doing it at least once every two weeks. Like, you will not masturbate on Friday this week. Then, try to have a day off every week, and try to meet your other basic needs when you're not masturbating. Be sure to do everything you can to keep your brain from pushing you to do it again and break your routine.

4. Keep Yourself Busy

When you're doing nothing else, you'd most probably be masturbating. Take initiatives to put yourself in situations where you just cannot masturbate. Stay with friends, visit your local library, go to church, or engage in other social activities to stay busy. It's all about sending your brain a signal that it should not expect masturbation so often. Once you manage to put the message across, it will become easier for you to limit your masturbating sessions.

5. Don't Punish Yourself

Be sure not to over-think about your habit. The only way to correct your issue is to think little about masturbation. Don't beat yourself for breaking the rules and going back on the same routine. You should definitely push yourself hard to be on track, but understand that most humans masturbate and there's nothing wrong until it interferes with your social life and becomes a compulsive disorder.

6. Don't Watch Porn

One of the biggest reasons why people cannot stop masturbating is that they think they cannot live without porn. It is important to develop the willpower to resist the temptation to watch porn. You can also install the porn-blocking software to limit access to porn sites. You can select a password randomly and save it in a text file or just select any password that you will not intentionally remember. Also, consider moving your computer to another room where others can also see what you are doing while using computer. Moreover, you should convince yourself to dispose of any physical collection of porn.

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