12 Greatest Osgood Schlatter Exercises

Osgood-Schlatter disease or OS is an injury of the knee area that can be caused by overuse. It can result in pain and a noticeable growth under the patella. The biggest reason for OS development is extra stress sustained by the front pat of the knee during the skeletal growth spurts that all adolescents go through. This is why adolescents are mostly affected by this disease. There is no cure available for OS. However, there are Osgood Schlatter exercises available that can help in managing the pain.

Osgood Schlatter Exercises

There exercises are simple to perform and are very effective in reducing knee-pain. Here are some exercises that you can try at home.

1. Bridging

Lie down on your back with your knees bent at 90 degree and your feet planted on the floor. Without arching your back too much, try lifting your bottom by clenching your buttocks. Remain in this position for 5 seconds and then lower yourself. Repeat this exercise at least 10 times twice a day.

Bridging is an excellent exercise for Osgood Schlatter disease as it strengthens the hamstrings and also works the buttocks and quads muscles.

2. The Football – Stage 1

Sit down on a chair and place a soft football or pillow in between your knees. Now, try to squeeze the football gently with your knees by clenching the buttocks and the knees. Continue squeezing for 5 seconds and then relax. Repeat this exercise at least 10 times twice a day.

This exercise can help in increasing the stability of the knees and strengthening the inside muscles of the knees, which are responsible for the movements of the kneecap.

3. The Football – Stage 2

Lie down on your back and place a pillow under the knees, making them bent at 30 degree. Now place a soft football in between your knees. Clenching the knees and buttocks, squeeze the football. While doing it, straighten one of your knees by lifting your foot off the floor. Remain in this position for 3 seconds and then lower down the foot. Repeat this exercise at least 10 times twice a day. This exercise increases knee stability.

4. Straight Leg Raise

This is one of the best Osgood Schlatter exercises. Lie down on your back and keep your knees and leg as straight as possible. Lift your foot in the  air after pulling your toes towards yourself and clenching your upper thigh muscles while keeping your knee straight. Remain in this position for 5 seconds and then lower your foot down. Repeat this exercise at least 10 times twice a day.

Straight leg raise can help in strengthening the quadriceps. Avoid this exercise if you have a history of back issues.

5. Clam

Lie down on your side and bend your knees at 90 degree, keeping both of your feet together. While keeping your feet touching each other, try to lift your knee up in the air. Remain in this position for about 3 seconds and then lower down your knee. Repeat this exercise at least 10 times twice a day.

Clams can help in strengthening the glutes muscles and thus preventing excess weight from going through the inside of the knee.

6. Lying Quadriceps Stretch

Lie down on your stomach and bend your knee to get the foot up to the buttock. Pull the foot closer by using your hand until a stretching is felt in the front part of the thigh. Remain in this position for 30 seconds and then relax.

7. Standing Quad Stretch

Stand near a wall and bend the knee that you want to exercise. Using your hands, pull the foot close to the buttocks. Keep pulling until you start feeling a stretch in your thighs. Remain in this position for 30 seconds and then relax.

8. Short-Arc Quad

Lie down on your back, keeping a large rolled up towel under your knees and planting your heels on the floor. Keeping the back of the knee on the towel, raise your affected leg up in the air until it becomes straight. Remain in this position for about 6 seconds and then slowly get your leg down. Repeat this exercise up to 12 times with a 10 seconds rest between repetitions.

9. Half Squat with Knees Wide Apart

The half squat with knees wide apart is one of the most effective Osgood Schlatter exercises. Stand with your feet a good distance apart and turned at approximately 45 degree to the side. Bend your knees and slowly lower yourself to the ground while tightening your buttocks and keeping the back straight. Make sure that the back remains straight throughout and the knees don't extend beyond the toes. Repeat this exercise at least 12 times.

10. Stepping Up

Place a single-step footstool or a large book such as an encyclopedia on the floor. Holding on to a chair for support, step up on the book or footstool with your affected leg while keeping your back straight. Only make use of your affected leg to get yourself on to the step. Now lift your other foot as well and place it onto the step. Get both your feet back down on the floor and repeat the exercise at least 12 times.

11. Stepping Down

Stand on a footstool or a large book such as an encyclopedia and hold on to a chair for support. Step down from the book with your unaffected leg, touching the floor with your heel. When stepping down, make sure that your affected knee moves in a straight line towards the middle toe. Move yourself back to your original position and repeat this exercise at least 12 times.

12. Knee Extension

Last but also one of the best Osgood Schlatter exercises! Make a loop by tying the ends of an exercise band. Secure one end to a door to provide resistance and loop the other end around the affected knee. Keeping this knee bent, put your good leg behind it. Now, straighten the affected leg by tightening the thigh muscles. Keep doing it for 6 seconds and then relax. Repeat this exercise 8 times with 10 second rest in between repetitions. 

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