What Causes Middle Right Abdominal Pain?

Tummy ache, stomachache, bellyache, and gut ache are all names used to refer to abdominal pain. The pain you experience can be mild or severe, depending on what causes it in the first place. Abdominal pain can be acute that comes and goes quickly, or chronic that lasts over weeks or months. You should call your doctor if you have abdominal pain on middle right that is severe and seems to get worse with time.

Causes of Middle Right Abdominal Pain

So many factors can contribute to abdominal pain. Here are some possible explanations.

1. Gallstones

You probably have gallstones if you have pain in the upper middle side of your abdomen that radiates to the right side, towards your rib cage. Gallstones are basically small lumps that can develop in your gallbladder. Your pain may become worse after eating anything; many people also experience other symptoms such as fever and vomiting. The severity and consistency of the pain can change from time to time. Your doctor will order a CT scan to confirm the presence of gallstones.

2. Abdominal Abscesses

They usually form right below the diaphragm, but they can be behind the abdominal cavity, in the pelvis, or in the middle of the abdomen. They can also form in and around spleen, kidneys, liver, and other abdominal organs. Untreated abscesses may continue to grow and damage blood vessels in that area. Sometimes, bacteria from those abscesses can spread to other organs through bloodstream and lead to life-threatening consequences.

The location of the abscess can have an impact on what symptoms you experience. You may have feelings of being sick along with some pain and discomfort in the affected area. Other symptoms include weight loss and loss of appetite. A ruptured intestine, a ruptured appendix, diverticular disease, inflammatory bowel disease, or an abdominal wound can lead to the development of abscesses and middle right abdominal pain.

3. Muscles

There are several muscles in your abdomen that help stabilize your trunk during movement and protect the abdominal contents as well. Certain conditions can affect these muscles and cause severe pain in the right side. Some common issues include hernia, strained muscles, Psoas abscess, and rectus sheath haematoma.

4. Appendicitis

It refers to the inflammation of the appendix, which a small tube of tissue extending from your large intestine. It can become blocked usually by stool but sometimes with by cancer or a foreign body, which leads to inflammation. Some of the most common symptoms of appendicitis are dull pain near your upper abdomen, abdominal swelling, loss of appetite, nausea, inability to pass gas, and fever up to 102F.

5. Stones in the Urinary Tract

If you have stones in your urinary tract, you will experience pain in your middle right abdomen. These stones develop in a kidney and then enlarge in the bladder. The location of these stones can change their name – It could be a ureteral stone, kidney stone, or bladder stone. You usually notice no complications when stones are small, but even they can cause pain when they are in the bladder. You may experience excruciating pain if these stones obstruct the renal pelvis, ureter, or any of the kidney's drainage tubes. The pain you experience will originate from the area between your ribs and hip but then radiate to the genital area. It comes in waves and increases in intensity, reaching its peak within 20-60 minutes.

6. Pyelonephritis

This common renal disease can lead to middle right abdominal pain if it has affected your right kidney. You can develop a sudden inflammation due to a bacterial infection. The symptoms of pyelonephritis usually develop quite quickly. You may have a fever, which is often followed by a change in the color of your urine. There will also be tenderness in the abdomen. Other symptoms include headache, loss of appetite, and pain. The pain is continuous and does not radiate to other parts of the body.

6. Crohn's Disease

You develop Crohn's disease when you have inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract. There will be times when you will experience severe pain. The pain may come and go because the disease usually causes inflammation in parts of the gastrointestinal tract. However, it usually starts in the last part of your small intestine, but it can also affect other parts of the colon and the small intestine.

Your symptoms will depend on the part of your GI tract affected. The severity of the condition will also play a role here. You are likely to experience pain exactly where the inflammation is present. You may have pain in the lower right side of your abdomen because this is where the last part of your small intestine is located. If your pain suddenly becomes worse, it may indicate a complication. You may also have some other symptoms such as weight loss, diarrhea, mouth ulcers, ulcers, etc.

When to Worry

You should go talk to your doctor if you have middle right abdominal pain that is severe and is associated with pressure in the chest or trauma, such as an injury or accident. Ask someone to take you to the emergency room if you have fever, severe pain, weight loss, persistent nausea, bloody stools, swelling of the abdomen, skin that appears yellow and severe tenderness in your abdomen.

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